Town of Madrid Planning Board Monthly Meeting 2/7/2013 Members present: Gary Wells, Ryan Dunphey, Wayne Day, Dan McGrath, Liana Sinclair Others Present: Jeff Gilson Meeting called to order at 6:47pm Items Discussed: – Jeff Gilson presented permits from Wayne’s Gas and Store. Wayne has filed two permits to run a convenience store and car repair shop. Discussion: Concern that the repair shop could easily turn into a junk yard Concern that Wayne is in violation of operating a nonpermitted automotive junk yard Suggested a site plan review for all gas stations, auto sales, and junk yards Invite Wayne to the next Planning Board meeting to present maps and details of his land, buildings, etc. A motion to deny both permits due to a lack of detailed information was presented by Ryan, and all members were in favor. – Jeff Gilson presented a permit from Francis Brothers. Francis has filed a permit to run a home car repair shop. Discussion: The board would like change the zoning law to allow Francis to own and operate a business from his home Suggested that Francis speak to the Planning Board and the Town Board regarding the law change and his business plans The Planning Board must be specific regarding the law change (i.e. how many garages, how many employees, how to dispose of oil/other fluids, only licensed vehicles on premise). Possibly use wording such as “complying with all county and state regulations to ensure environmental safety” Meeting Adjourned at 8:06pm